Installing and running BPX full node on Windows
- Download the EXE installers for the latest releases of the Execution Client and Beacon Client
latest releases EXE installers.
2. Go to your Downloads folder. There should be two installers there. Run the executionExecution clientClient installer first.
3.on Differentyour Windows version, different warnings may appear depending on the Windows version.appear. In suchthese cases, selectclick "More info", then select "Run anyway", and "Yes".
4.3. AcceptFollow all the license. Go through all installer steps by clicking "I Agree", "Next" and "Install". WhenOnce the installation process is finished,complete, close the installer.
5.4. A shortcut to the BPX Execution Client will appearbe created in the Start Menu.Menu. Launch from there.
6.5. Allow the Windows firewallFirewall to open the execution client port. ExecutionThe execution client will bestart, started.and Youyou should see its console output window.
7.6. Now startrun the Beacon Client installer. ConfirmNavigate through the Microsoft Defender pop-up warningsups as before.
7. Accept the license agreement and proceed through the subsequent installation steps.
8. Accept the license, go through the next installation steps.
9.8. WhenOnce the installation is finished,complete, click the "Get Started" button.
10.9. AgreeAllow to open the beacon clientrequired port as before.
11.10. Beacon Client GUI will be launched. Select the Node mode.
12.11. At this point, both clients will startbegin synchronizing with the network. This process may take manyseveral hours or even days.
13.12. WhenOnce synchronization is finished,complete, your full node iswill be ready to work. You'll know it by the green "Synced" status.operate.
14. When you need to stop your full node, it's highly recommended to close the beacon client first, then the execution client. To start it again, run the execution client first, then the beacon client.
Never stop the Execution Client by closing the console window. UseInstead, use the Control + C shortcut and wait for the client to closesave itself.all data to disk and shut down gracefully.