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Installing the timelord on Debian / Ubuntu

1. To run a timelord, you need a synchronized BPX Chain full node. If you don't have it already, follow the steps of this tutorial first.

2. The timelord software is not included in official binary .deb / .rpm releases. You have to build it from the source code. Login as root and install the git client first.

apt-get install git

3. The timelord installer script requires root access to install some dependencies from APT repositories. Add BPX services user to sudoers by the following command:

usermod -a -G sudo bpxv3

4. Now it's time to switch to BPX services user:

su - bpxv3

4. Fetch the source code of the latest Beacon Client release:

git clone

5. Install the Beacon Client from the source. This may take several minutes.

cd bpx-beacon-client

6. Install the timelord software:


7. Press Control + D to log out and return to the root console.

8. Create the timelord service descriptor file:

nano /etc/systemd/system/bpx-timelord.service

Insert the following file content:

Description=BPX Timelord

ExecStart=bash -c ". activate && bpx start timelord-launcher-only timelord-only"
ExecStop=bash -c ". activate && bpx stop timelord-only timelord-launcher-only"


Save the file by pressing Control + O and close the editor with Control + X.

9. Refresh startup services configuration

systemctl daemon-reload

10. Activate automatic startup of timelord service

systemctl enable bpx-timelord

Regular timelord

11. Start a timelord

systemctl start bpx-timelord