Installing and running BPX full node on Debian / Ubuntu
- Check latest versions of BPX Execution Client and Beacon Client. Log in as root. Download both DEB packages by following commands. Replace X.X.X to latest versions tags.
2. Install execution client and beacon client. Replace X.X.X to latest versions tags.
dpkg -i bpx-execution-client_X.X.X-stable+stable_amd64.deb bpx-beacon-client-cli_X.X.X-1_amd64.deb
3. Create new user for BPX services
adduser bpxv3
Create any password. You can skip entering additional information about the user by pressing Enter each time. Answer "Y" when asked if the information is correct.
4. Switch to the newly created account
su - bpxv3
5. Initialize Beacon Client configuration
bpx init
6. Press Control + D to log out and return to the root console.
7. Create the execution client service descriptor file using for example nano editor
nano /etc/systemd/system/bpx-execution.service
Insert the following file content:
Description=BPX Execution Client
ExecStart=bpx-geth --syncmode snap --http
Save the file by pressing Control + O and close the editor with Control + X.
8. Create the beacon client service descriptor file:
nano /etc/systemd/system/bpx-beacon.service
Insert the following file content:
Description=BPX Beacon Client
ExecStart=bpx start node
ExecStop=bpx stop -d all
Save the file and close the editor.
9. Refresh startup services configuration
systemctl daemon-reload
10. Activate automatic startup of BPX services
systemctl enable bpx-execution
systemctl enable bpx-beacon
11. Launch both services
systemctl start bpx-execution
systemctl start bpx-beacon
12. Your full node is already working and configured to automatically start on system boot. Use the commands below to watch the initial sync status (it will refresh every 10 seconds).
su - bpxv3
watch -n 10 bpx show -s
13. After a few hours or days, the initial sync should complete.
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