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Installing the timelord on Debian / Ubuntu

1. To run a timelord, you need a synchronized BPX Chain full node of BPX Chain.node. If you don't already have it,it already, follow the steps of this tutorial first.

2. The timelord software is not included in official binary .deb / .rpm releases. You have to build it from the source code. Login as root and install the git client first.

apt-get install git

3. The timelord installer script requires root access to install some dependencies from APT repositories. Add BPX services user to sudoers by the following command:

usermod -a -G sudo bpxv3

4. Now it's time to switch to BPX services user:

su - bpxv3

4. Fetch the source code of the latest Beacon Client release:

git clone

5. Install the Beacon Client from the source. This may take several minutes.

cd bpx-beacon-client

6. Install the timelord:timelord software:


7. Press Control + D to log out and return to the root console.

8. Create the timelord service descriptor file:

nano /etc/systemd/system/bpx-timelord.service

Insert the following file content:

Description=BPX Timelord

ExecStart=bash -c ". activate && bpx start timelord-launcher-only timelord-only"
ExecStop=bash -c ". activate && bpx stop timelord-only timelord-launcher-only"


Save the file by pressing Control + O and close the editor with Control + X.

9. Refresh startup services configuration

systemctl daemon-reload

10. Activate automatic startup of timelord service

systemctl enable bpx-timelord

Regular timelord

11. Start a timelord

systemctl start bpx-timelord