BPX Chain
BPX Chain documentation
Getting Started
BPX is a new generation Ethereum-compatible blockchain based upon an innovative consensus algorit...
Beacon and Execution Chain
BPX consists of two separate blockchains called Beacon Chain and Execution Chain. Both are respon...
BPX vs Ethereum
If you are familiar with how Ethereum works, the following tips will help you better understand t...
BPX vs Chia
If you are familiar with how Chia works, the following tips will help you better understand the B...
Architecture Overview
The above diagram shows BPX network architecture. A single machine can run more than one of these...
Beacon client
Beacon Client is a BPX Beacon Chain full node. It has several responsibilities: Maintain a cop...
Execution client
The execution client is a full node of BPX Execution Chain. It listens to new transactions broadc...
BPX farmers are analogous to Bitcoin's miners. They earn block rewards and fees by finding valid ...
Harvesters are individual machines controlled by a farmer. In a large farming operation, a farmer...
Timelords support the network by creating sequential proofs of time (using a Verifiable Delay Fun...
The wallet is responsible for managing private keys, as well as generating, storing and sending t...
Consensus Introduction
Decentralized consensus algorithms require Sybil resistance, using a resource that is both crypto...
Proof of Space
A Proof of Space protocol is one in which: A Verifier can send a challenge to a Prover. The P...
Proof of Time
A Verifiable Delay Function, also referred to as a Proof of Time or VDF, is a proof that a sequen...
The BPX consensus algorithm relies on timelords running VDFs for periods of time called sub-slots...
Signage and Infusion Points
Each sub-slot in both the challenge chain and the reward chain is divided into 64 smaller VDFs. B...
Approximately every 9.375 seconds, the beacon client sends a new signage point to the farmer, who...
Multiple Blocks
As you can see, multiple blocks can get infused into the same sub-slot. BPX targets one beacon ...
VDF chains
If we only used one VDF (for the reward chain), the inclusion or exclusion of blocks would allow ...
Overflow Blocks and Weight
For a farmer to create a block, their required_iterations must be less than sub-slot_iterations /...
In the previous diagrams, there is no place for farmers to specify their rewards, since all block...
Epoch and Difficulty
Sub-epoch: Sub-epoch N starts when sub-epoch N-1 ends (except for 0th sub-epoch), and it ends at ...
Block Validation
Block validation in BPX is composed of two parts: header validation and body validation. The hea...
Block Creation
As soon as the Execution Client receives a new execution block, it starts working on a candidate ...
Timelord algorithm
A timelord keeps track of the current peak of beacon chain, which includes an infused block at a ...
Safety The safety of BPX consensus is similar to that of other Nakamoto consensus algorithms li...